EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 June
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 19 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-06][EAR-CD III].iso
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File List
593 lines
#PIC V0.9.2 (c)1997 J.Petroglou LIST FILE
#file: data:aminetupp/PICSim/examples/mouse.src
#date: Sat May 10 15:11:24 1997
#pic : PIC16C54
0000 000001 ;PC mouse adapter for Amiga computers
0000 000002 ;
0000 000003 ; use serial Pc mouse on Amiga Computers without Software driver !!
0000 000004 ;
0000 000005 ; 03.01.96
0000 000006 ;
0000 000007 ;This Program converts the microsoft and the mouse system format to amiga ones,
0000 000008 ;three mouse buttons are supported (mouse system).
0000 000009 ;Only hardware, it`s like an original Amiga mouse
0000 000010 ;The Xtal frequenzy is 11.0592 Mhz, the TXD line from mouse is with a 20K
0000 000011 ;resistor directly with the PIC 16C54 Port connected. Only three other components
0000 000012 ;are needed for the voltage conversion: ICL7660 (voltage converter from Harris
0000 000013 ;semiconductor,INTERSIL) and two capacitors with 10µF. The PCB is about 3*4.5cm.
0000 000014 ;My PC mouse needs -5V on TXD,5V on RTS and ground.
0000 000015 ;The adapter recognizes mouse protocoll changes automatic. I think it`s easy
0000 000016 ;to include the Logitech protokoll but I don`t know it.
0000 000017 ;
0000 000018 ; see our Amiga Pic Tools Home Page:
0000 000019 ;
0000 000020 ; http://linux.rz.fh-hannover.de/~duesterb/
0000 000021 ; (Pic Simulator, Pic Progger)
0000 000022 ;
0000 000023 ;Dirk Düsterberg, duesterb@unixserv.rz.fh-hannover.de
0000 000024 ;
0000 000025 ;Jahnstr.9
0000 000026 ;31860 Emmerthal
0000 000027 ;Germany
0000 000028 ;
0000 000029 ;
0000 000030 ;thanks to Joannis Petroglou, who made this with his wonderful Tools possibel!
0000 000031
0000 000032
0000 000033
0000 000034 ; Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
0000 000035 ; Mouse Systems is registered trademark of MSC Technologies, Inc.
0000 000036 ; Microchip is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology
0000 000037 ; Logitech is a registered trademark too
0000 000038 ; This source is copyrighted to Dirk Düsterberg, no trademark
0000 000039
0000 000040
0000 000041
0000 000042
0000 000043
0000 000044
0000 000045 list p=PIC16C54, r=hex, s=off
0000 000046
01FF 000047 RESET start
0000 000048
0000 000049
0000 000050 CBLOCK 08h
0000 000051 trycnt ;synctrys, which format?
0000 000052 loopcnt ;loop counter
0000 000053 bitcnt ;bit counter
0000 000054 serbuf ;serial buffer
0000 000055 RBbuf ;Port buffer
0000 000056 ENDC
0000 000057
0000 000058 CBLOCK 10h
0000 000059 byte0 ;first received byte
0000 000060 byte1 ;second received byte and byte 4 (mouse system)
0000 000061 byte2 ;third received byte and byte 5 (mouse system)
0000 000062 ENDC
0000 000063
0000 000064 RA = 5
0000 000065 RB = 6
0000 000066
0000 000067
0000 000068
0000 000069 #define RXD RA,1 ;RXD input, bit 1 from Port A
0000 000070
0000 000071 #define r_b RBbuf,2 ;right mouse button
0000 000072 #define m_b RBbuf,4 ;middle mouse button
0000 000073 #define l_b RBbuf,6 ;left mouse button
0000 000074
0000 000075 #define H RBbuf,0 ;Horizontal Pulses
0000 000076 #define HQ RBbuf,5 ;Horizontal Quadrature Pulses
0000 000077 #define V RBbuf,1 ;Vertical Pulses
0000 000078 #define VQ RBbuf,7 ;Vertical Quadrature Pulses
0000 000079
0000 000080
0000 000081 #define c 03,0
0000 000082 #define z 03,2
0000 000083
0000 000084
0000 0C00 000085 start movlw 0
0001 0006 000086 tris RB
0002 000087
0002 0CFF 000088 movlw 0ffh
0003 0005 000089 tris RA
0004 000090
0004 006C 000091 clrf RBbuf ;make butoons unpressed
0005 00EC 000092 decf RBbuf,f
0006 000093
0006 020C 000094 movf RBbuf,w ;use Port buffer to prevent read from Port
0007 0026 000095 movwf RB
0008 000096
0008 0068 000097 clrf trycnt,f
0009 000098
0009 000099
0009 000100
0009 000101
0009 000102
0009 000103
0009 000104
0009 000105
0009 000106
0009 000107
0009 000108
0009 000109 ;this is the routine for the microsoft format (3 bytes with 2 buttons)
0009 000110
0009 000111
0009 000112
0009 0068 000113 micro clrf trycnt,f
000A 0C04 000114 mic movlw .4
000B 0088 000115 subwf trycnt,w
000C 0603 000116 btfsc c
000D 0A48 000117 goto mouse ;more than 3 trys? jump!
000E 000118
000E 0971 000119 call rcb ;receive the first byte
000F 02A8 000120 incf trycnt,f
0010 000121
0010 020B 000122 movf serbuf,w
0011 0FC0 000123 xorlw 11000000b ;invert bit 6 and 7 from working register
0012 0EC0 000124 andlw 11000000b ;clr bit 0 to 5 (buttons and coord.)
0013 0743 000125 btfss z ;skip if w is zero
0014 0A0A 000126 goto mic ;if not zero -> no match
0015 000127
0015 020B 000128 movf serbuf,w ;this is the first received byte
0016 0030 000129 movwf byte0
0017 000130
0017 058C 000131 bsf m_b ;middle button not supported
0018 000132
0018 068B 000133 btfsc serbuf,4 ;mov buttons
0019 044C 000134 bcf r_b
001A 078B 000135 btfss serbuf,4
001B 054C 000136 bsf r_b
001C 000137
001C 06AB 000138 btfsc serbuf,5
001D 04CC 000139 bcf l_b
001E 07AB 000140 btfss serbuf,5
001F 05CC 000141 bsf l_b
0020 000142
0020 0971 000143 call rcb ;receive second byte
0021 000144
0021 000145
0021 0C80 000146 movlw 10000000b
0022 01AB 000147 xorwf serbuf,f ;invert bit 7 from buffer
0023 020B 000148 movf serbuf,w
0024 0EC0 000149 andlw 11000000b ;clr bit 0 to 5 (coord.)
0025 0743 000150 btfss z ;skip if w is zero
0026 0A48 000151 goto mouse ;if not zero -> no match -> mouse format
0027 000152
0027 000153
0027 0071 000154 clrf byte1
0028 000155
0028 0710 000156 btfss byte0,0 ;mov x6 and x7 coord. to byte1
0029 04D1 000157 bcf byte1,6
002A 0610 000158 btfsc byte0,0
002B 05D1 000159 bsf byte1,6
002C 000160
002C 000161
002C 0730 000162 btfss byte0,1 ;mov x6 and x7 coord. to byte1
002D 04F1 000163 bcf byte1,7
002E 0630 000164 btfsc byte0,1
002F 05F1 000165 bsf byte1,7
0030 000166
0030 000167
0030 000168
0030 020B 000169 movf serbuf,w ;set rest of x coord.
0031 0131 000170 iorwf byte1,f
0032 000171
0032 000172
0032 000173
0032 0971 000174 call rcb ;receive third byte
0033 000175
0033 000176
0033 0C80 000177 movlw 10000000b
0034 01AB 000178 xorwf serbuf,f ;invert bit 7 from buffer
0035 020B 000179 movf serbuf,w
0036 0EC0 000180 andlw 11000000b ;clr bit 0 to 5 (coord.)
0037 0743 000181 btfss z ;skip if w is zero
0038 0A48 000182 goto mouse ;if not zero -> no match -> mouse format
0039 000183
0039 0072 000184 clrf byte2
003A 000185
003A 000186
003A 000187
003A 0750 000188 btfss byte0,2 ;mov y6 and y7 coord. to byte2
003B 04D2 000189 bcf byte2,6
003C 0650 000190 btfsc byte0,2
003D 05D2 000191 bsf byte2,6
003E 000192
003E 000193
003E 000194
003E 0770 000195 btfss byte0,3 ;mov y6 and y7 coord. to byte2
003F 04F2 000196 bcf byte2,7
0040 0670 000197 btfsc byte0,3
0041 05F2 000198 bsf byte2,7
0042 000199
0042 000200
0042 000201
0042 020B 000202 movf serbuf,w ;set rest of y coord.
0043 0132 000203 iorwf byte2,f
0044 000204
0044 0272 000205 comf byte2,f ;fix microsoft to mouse protokoll
0045 02B2 000206 incf byte2,f ;(up and down exchanged)
0046 000207
0046 0068 000208 clrf trycnt
0047 0A09 000209 goto micro
0048 000210
0048 000211
0048 000212
0048 000213 ;this is the routine for the mouse system format (5 bytes with 3 buttons)
0048 000214
0048 000215
0048 0C06 000216 mouse movlw .6
0049 0088 000217 subwf trycnt,w
004A 0603 000218 btfsc c
004B 0A09 000219 goto micro ;more than 5 trys? jump micro!
004C 000220
004C 0971 000221 call rcb ;get first of five bytes from serial mouse
004D 000222
004D 02A8 000223 incf trycnt,f ;one more try
004E 000224
004E 000225 ;test format #10000lmr (left, middle, right)
004E 000226
004E 020B 000227 movf serbuf,w
004F 0F80 000228 xorlw 10000000b ;invert bit 7 from working register
0050 0EF8 000229 andlw 11111000b ;clr bit 0 to 2 (buttons)
0051 0743 000230 btfss z ;skip if w is zero
0052 0A48 000231 goto mouse ;if not zero -> no match
0053 000232
0053 020B 000233 movf serbuf,w
0054 0030 000234 movwf byte0
0055 000235
0055 000236
0055 000237
0055 0971 000238 call rcb ;byte1, X-Axis movement data
0056 020B 000239 movf serbuf,w
0057 0031 000240 movwf byte1
0058 000241
0058 0971 000242 call rcb ;byte2, Y-Axis movement data
0059 020B 000243 movf serbuf,w
005A 0032 000244 movwf byte2
005B 000245
005B 0971 000246 call rcb ;byte3, X-Axis movement data
005C 020B 000247 movf serbuf,w
005D 0031 000248 movwf byte1
005E 000249
005E 0971 000250 call rcb ;byte4, Y-Axis movement data
005F 020B 000251 movf serbuf,w
0060 0032 000252 movwf byte2
0061 000253
0061 000254
0061 000255
0061 0710 000256 btfss byte0,0 ;convert to Amiga
0062 044C 000257 bcf r_b
0063 0610 000258 btfsc byte0,0
0064 054C 000259 bsf r_b
0065 000260
0065 000261
0065 0730 000262 btfss byte0,1
0066 048C 000263 bcf m_b
0067 0630 000264 btfsc byte0,1
0068 058C 000265 bsf m_b
0069 000266
0069 000267
0069 0750 000268 btfss byte0,2
006A 04CC 000269 bcf l_b
006B 0650 000270 btfsc byte0,2
006C 05CC 000271 bsf l_b
006D 000272
006D 000273
006D 020C 000274 movf RBbuf,w
006E 0026 000275 movwf RB ;use Port buffer to prevent read from Port
006F 000276
006F 0068 000277 clrf trycnt
0070 000278
0070 0A48 000279 goto mouse
0071 000280
0071 000281
0071 000282
0071 000283
0071 000284
0071 000285
0071 000286
0071 000287 ;receive routine, receive 8bits
0071 000288 ;loop is done until byte is received
0071 000289
0071 000290
0071 000291
0071 000292
0071 0625 000293 rcb btfsc RXD
0072 0A74 000294 goto rcshift ;startbit ?
0073 0A71 000295 goto rcb
0074 000296
0074 0C08 000297 rcshift movlw .8
0075 002A 000298 movwf bitcnt
0076 000299
0076 0982 000300 call whbit ;wait half bit (middle bit position)
0077 000301
0077 098E 000302 r_it call wbit ;wait bit delay
0078 000303
0078 0725 000304 btfss RXD ;move RXD into c
0079 0403 000305 bcf c
007A 0625 000306 btfsc RXD
007B 0503 000307 bsf c
007C 000308
007C 032B 000309 rrf serbuf,f ;rotate c in serbuf
007D 02EA 000310 decfsz bitcnt
007E 0A77 000311 goto r_it ;decrement bit counter (8 bits)
007F 026B 000312 comf serbuf ;invert serbuf (RS232 -> TTL)
0080 0982 000313 call whbit ;wait a half bit to get out from data area
0081 0800 000314 retlw 0 ;back
0082 000315
0082 000316
0082 000317
0082 000318
0082 000319
0082 000320
0082 000321
0082 000322
0082 000323 ;wait routine for one and one half bit for 1200 baud
0082 000324
0082 000325
0082 0C7D 000326 whbit movlw .125
0083 0029 000327 movwf loopcnt ;1200
0084 0000 000328 do_hbit nop
0085 0000 000329 nop
0086 0000 000330 nop
0087 0000 000331 nop
0088 0000 000332 nop
0089 0000 000333 nop
008A 0000 000334 nop
008B 02E9 000335 decfsz loopcnt
008C 0A84 000336 goto do_hbit
008D 0800 000337 retlw 0
008E 000338
008E 000339
008E 000340
008E 000341
008E 000342
008E 000343 ;this routine is one bit long, it converts the axe counter to a quadrature
008E 000344 ;modulation, every change on V,VQ,H or HQ means a mouse move
008E 000345
008E 000346
008E 0C2D 000347 wbit movlw .45
008F 0029 000348 movwf loopcnt ;quad mod is done while bit waiting
0090 000349
0090 0211 000350 x_axe movf byte1,w
0091 0643 000351 btfsc z
0092 0AA8 000352 goto x_axe0 ;byte1 = 0, nothing to do
0093 06F1 000353 btfsc byte1,7
0094 0ABB 000354 goto _right ;jump if bit
0095 0000 000355 nop
0096 0000 000356 nop
0097 0000 000357 nop
0098 0000 000358 nop
0099 0000 000359 nop
009A 00F1 000360 left decf byte1,f ;decrement byte 1
009B 060C 000361 btfsc H
009C 0AA1 000362 goto leftx1 ;jmp to x1 if H set
009D 06AC 000363 btfsc HQ
009E 0AA6 000364 goto left10
009F 050C 000365 bsf H ;set H if H and HQ clear
00A0 0AB6 000366 goto lback1
00A1 06AC 000367 leftx1 btfsc HQ
00A2 040C 000368 bcf H ;clr H if H set and HQ set
00A3 07AC 000369 btfss HQ
00A4 05AC 000370 bsf HQ ;set HQ if H set and HQ clear
00A5 0AB8 000371 goto lback3
00A6 04AC 000372 left10 bcf HQ ;clear HQ if H clear and HQ set
00A7 0AB7 000373 goto lback2
00A8 0000 000374 x_axe0 nop
00A9 0000 000375 nop
00AA 0000 000376 nop
00AB 0000 000377 nop
00AC 0000 000378 nop
00AD 0000 000379 nop
00AE 0000 000380 nop
00AF 0000 000381 nop
00B0 0000 000382 nop
00B1 0000 000383 nop
00B2 0000 000384 nop
00B3 0000 000385 nop
00B4 0000 000386 nop
00B5 0000 000387 nop
00B6 0000 000388 lback1 nop
00B7 0000 000389 lback2 nop
00B8 020C 000390 lback3 movf RBbuf,w
00B9 0026 000391 movwf RB ;use Port buffer to prevent read from Port
00BA 0AD3 000392 goto y_axe
00BB 000393
00BB 0271 000394 _right comf byte1,f ;negate byte1
00BC 02B1 000395 incf byte1,f
00BD 000396
00BD 0000 000397 nop
00BE 0000 000398 nop
00BF 000399
00BF 00F1 000400 right decf byte1,f
00C0 06AC 000401 btfsc HQ
00C1 0AC6 000402 goto right1x ;jmp to 1x if HQ set
00C2 060C 000403 btfsc H
00C3 0ACB 000404 goto right01
00C4 05AC 000405 bsf HQ ;set HQ if H and HQ clear
00C5 0ACD 000406 goto rback1
00C6 060C 000407 right1x btfsc H
00C7 04AC 000408 bcf HQ ;clrb H if H and HQ set
00C8 070C 000409 btfss H
00C9 050C 000410 bsf H ;setb H if H clear and HQ set
00CA 0ACF 000411 goto rback3
00CB 040C 000412 right01 bcf H ;clr H if HQ clear and H set
00CC 0ACE 000413 goto rback2
00CD 000414
00CD 0000 000415 rback1 nop
00CE 0000 000416 rback2 nop
00CF 020C 000417 rback3 movf RBbuf,w
00D0 0026 000418 movwf RB ;use Port buffer to prevent read from Port
00D1 0271 000419 comf byte1,f
00D2 02B1 000420 incf byte1,f
00D3 000421
00D3 000422
00D3 000423
00D3 000424
00D3 0212 000425 y_axe movf byte2,w
00D4 0643 000426 btfsc z
00D5 0AEB 000427 goto y_axe0 ;byte2 = 0, nothing to do
00D6 06F2 000428 btfsc byte2,7
00D7 0AFE 000429 goto _up ;jump if bit
00D8 0000 000430 nop
00D9 0000 000431 nop
00DA 0000 000432 nop
00DB 0000 000433 nop
00DC 0000 000434 nop
00DD 00F2 000435 down decf byte2,f
00DE 06EC 000436 btfsc VQ
00DF 0AE4 000437 goto down1x ;jmp to 1x if VQ set
00E0 062C 000438 btfsc V
00E1 0AE9 000439 goto down01
00E2 05EC 000440 bsf VQ ;set VQ if V and VQ clear
00E3 0AF9 000441 goto dback1
00E4 062C 000442 down1x btfsc V
00E5 04EC 000443 bcf VQ ;clrb V if V and VQ set
00E6 072C 000444 btfss V
00E7 052C 000445 bsf V ;setb V if V clear and VQ set
00E8 0AFB 000446 goto dback3
00E9 042C 000447 down01 bcf V ;clr V if VQ clear and V set
00EA 0AFA 000448 goto dback2
00EB 0000 000449 y_axe0 nop
00EC 0000 000450 nop
00ED 0000 000451 nop
00EE 0000 000452 nop
00EF 0000 000453 nop
00F0 0000 000454 nop
00F1 0000 000455 nop
00F2 0000 000456 nop
00F3 0000 000457 nop
00F4 0000 000458 nop
00F5 0000 000459 nop
00F6 0000 000460 nop
00F7 0000 000461 nop
00F8 0000 000462 nop
00F9 0000 000463 dback1 nop
00FA 0000 000464 dback2 nop
00FB 020C 000465 dback3 movf RBbuf,w
00FC 0026 000466 movwf RB ;use Port buffer to prevent read from Port
00FD 0B16 000467 goto done
00FE 000468
00FE 0272 000469 _up comf byte2,f
00FF 02B2 000470 incf byte2,f
0100 0000 000471 nop
0101 0000 000472 nop
0102 000473
0102 00F2 000474 up decf byte2,f
0103 062C 000475 btfsc V
0104 0B09 000476 goto up_x1 ;jmp to x1 if V set
0105 06EC 000477 btfsc VQ
0106 0B0E 000478 goto up_10
0107 052C 000479 bsf V ;set V if V and VQ clear
0108 0B10 000480 goto uback1
0109 06EC 000481 up_x1 btfsc VQ
010A 042C 000482 bcf V ;clr V if V set and VQ set
010B 07EC 000483 btfss VQ
010C 05EC 000484 bsf VQ ;set VQ if V set and VQ clear
010D 0B12 000485 goto uback3
010E 04EC 000486 up_10 bcf VQ ;clear VQ if V clear and VQ set
010F 0B11 000487 goto uback2
0110 0000 000488 uback1 nop
0111 0000 000489 uback2 nop
0112 020C 000490 uback3 movf RBbuf,w
0113 0026 000491 movwf RB ;use Port buffer to prevent read from Port
0114 0272 000492 comf byte2,f
0115 02B2 000493 incf byte2,f
0116 000494
0116 000495
0116 000496
0116 02E9 000497 done decfsz loopcnt
0117 0A90 000498 goto x_axe
0118 0800 000499 retlw 0
Used Symbols
trycnt 00000008
loopcnt 00000009
bitcnt 0000000A
serbuf 0000000B
RBbuf 0000000C
byte0 00000010
byte1 00000011
byte2 00000012
RA 00000005
RB 00000006
start 00000000
micro 00000009
mic 0000000A
mouse 00000048
rcb 00000071
rcshift 00000074
r_it 00000077
whbit 00000082
do_hbit 00000084
wbit 0000008E
x_axe 00000090
left 0000009A
leftx1 000000A1
left10 000000A6
x_axe0 000000A8
lback1 000000B6
lback2 000000B7
lback3 000000B8
_right 000000BB
right 000000BF
right1x 000000C6
right01 000000CB
rback1 000000CD
rback2 000000CE
rback3 000000CF
y_axe 000000D3
down 000000DD
down1x 000000E4
down01 000000E9
y_axe0 000000EB
dback1 000000F9
dback2 000000FA
dback3 000000FB
_up 000000FE
up 00000102
up_x1 00000109
up_10 0000010E
uback1 00000110
uback2 00000111
uback3 00000112
done 00000116
Used Defines
r_b RBbuf,2
m_b RBbuf,4
l_b RBbuf,6
H RBbuf,0
HQ RBbuf,5
V RBbuf,1
VQ RBbuf,7
c 03,0
z 03,2
PROGRAM MEMORY USAGE TABLE: '-' = not used 'X' = used
0100 : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX------- ---------------- ----------------
0140 : ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
0180 : ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
01C0 : ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
Program Memory Words Used: 0281
Program Memory Words Free: 0231
Errors: 0